Funeral services for Comrade Norman Zeller will be this Friday, 14 Feb, 10:00 a.m. at the Veterans' Memorial Cemetery in Boulder City.
Reception at 2:00-5:00 p.m. at Sun City Anthem Community Center.
Dress code for both events is casual.
To see Mr. Zeller's obituary: Click on "Log In" tab  above, then "Members Only", then "Meeting Minutes", then "4 February".

Next monthly breakfast: Wednesday, 26 February, 8:00 a.m., at the
Landings Restaurant in the Henderson Executive Airport, 3500 Executive Terminal Drive, Henderson NV 89052.
Come enjoy great food and fellowship with us. Lots to talk about! 
Next Post meeting: Tuesday, 4 March, 6:00 p.m., at the Bass Pro Shop Conference Room, 8200 Dean Martin Dr., Las Vegas NV 89139.
Social dinner to follow at "Distill", 4830 W. Pyle Ave., Las Vegas NV 89141.

HAVA Golf Tournament

19 Jan 2025 at Bear's Best

Open to Post members!